The beginnings of relationships are fun. The two of you are getting to know each other, and bonding in the process. According to, these are the questions that help strengthen the bond, making your relationship fun.
Asking about the relationship
When the two of you get to know what the other wants in the relationship, it helps to change the partner or if not, try to accommodate them with their shortcomings – it’s about perfect imperfections.
Asking about the past
The past should be about the number of exes, instead, it should be about their childhood. It helps to know what kind of childhood your bae had, as you two compare who had the most interesting one.
Asking about sex
Sex helps increase the bond you and your bae have. Talking about it makes it more fun since the two of you will be in sync every time you get down and dirty. It is about knowing your bae’s preferences and working towards satisfying them.
Asking about money
Money is the number one thing that ruins relationships. If the two of you cannot agree on how to spend your money then it will be tough. As such, asking questions about money enables the two of you to plan well.
Asking about secrets
It sure helps when you know that little secret your bae has. It shows that he or she trusts you enough to let you into that dark closet of theirs. However, there’s a boundary in which one can never cross when it comes to sharing secrets.