Joan Wambui has entered into history books as the first fresher to have ever been crowned the queen of beauty in the University of Eldoret (UoE) during the highly contested Mr. and Miss UoE event. 

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Here are some facts you did not know about her:

The first thing you would like to know is if she is dating someone. Well, according to Joan, her relationship status remains private and on his relationship with Francis Juma, Mr. UoE, she said he is a friend and a colleague.

Joan Wambui on her Environmental attire. [Photo/Joan Wambui]

Every lady has something that she fears the most and for the university queen, she is entomophobic. Joan is absolutely afraid of flies especially huge grasshoppers.

Being a scout commander is one of her achievement that she is proud of but people might find weird. Hilariously, she is not as tough as a commander. She is also proud of the fame she has gained after willing the crown.

Joan on Maasai attire. [Photo/Joan Wambui]

Another fact about the beauty queen is that she believes in the modern generation to have the best modeling industry. According to her, fashion is all about how you wear but not what you wear.

Joan rocking in Kitenge. [Photo/Joan Wambui]

To guys crushing on her, you will not meet Joan in any event or party because she is completely done with attending them. The curvaceous model has become choosy about which events and parties she attends.

Miss UoE rocking on modern attire. [Photo/Joan Wambui]

Lastly, she would like to see the university hosting more events such as Fashion Gala and reward models to encourage them.

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