Uasin Gishu County Public Service Board chairman Joseph Tanui in his office in Eldoret town on September 27, 2017. [Photo/Joe Khisa]

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The Uasin Gishu County Public Service Board will on Thursday hold a meeting to deliberate on the final list of individuals who will be shortlisted for various Chief Officer positions.

Board's Chairman Joseph Tanui revealed that they have received applications from over 1,200 individuals who are interested in filling the 16 Chief Officers posts that were advertised a fortnight ago.

Speaking while in his office at the county headquarters in Eldoret town, Wednesday, Tanui said they expect to publish names of the shortlisted individuals before the end of next week.

"We will shortlist 5 to 6 people in each of the 16 positions and later invite them for an interview before submitting their names to the governor in order of merit. The governor will however have the freedom to pick from the list forwarded to him and later submit to the Assembly for vetting," Tanui explained.

He said, the Board expect to have completed interviews and names forwarded to the governor for appointment by mid-October.

"We are anticipating that it will take us about two weeks to do the interviews and compile a list of the shortlisted candidates based on merit," said the Uasin Gishu County Public Service Board chairman.

Governor Jackson Mandago has already started constituting his cabinet after he forwarded three out of the expected nominees for County Executive Committee members to the County Assembly for vetting.

The three are Eng. Gideon Birir who has retained the Roads, Transport, Energy and Public Works docket, Joseph Kurgat to be in charge of Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Sports and Social Services department and Julius Ruto to be the Finance and Economic Planning CeC.