Nairobi Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko has reacted after DCI's inquires about the existence of an outlawed group, Sonko Defence Forces. 

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On Thursday, Sonko denied the existence of such a group citing foul play by his political rivals.

According to Sonko, he has for long fought for reduction of criminal activities by youths in Nairobi.

"I wish to categorically deny claims of the existence of a militia by the name of Sonko Defence Forces. This is yet another attempt to divert the attention of Nairobians and by extension Kenyans from real issues to be substituted with petty politics of intimidation and threats." Sonko noted in his official Facebook page. 

Sonko further stated that the alleged group are youths who have reformed and now tasked to unclog the drainage systems within the city. He claimed that he had earlier offered incentives to hardcore criminals to reform.

"This was a very successful program that saw the level of crime reduction in Nairobi and this will ensure the Government's Big 4 Agenda is achieved. Therefore, I am not aware of any militia group associated with me in any way," he reiterated.