It happens so many times that as a man you find yourself promising things you think that you will deliver but in your right senses you know you can’t. Here are some of them;

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I will send you money

Imagine your lady calls you at 8 in the morning that you had forgotten to leave money for her lunch. In the hope that you will get the money by noon, you tell her you will send her the one thousand that she requires, your target is to meet Johnny your longtime friend and ask for some loan, unfortunately, Johnny did not turn up at the job and his phone is not going through, you have no choice but accept fate.

I will be home by 7

So many men out there convince themselves that they will try to hurry and be home latest 7. Firstly, if you are in Nairobi with the normal traffic congestion, you know very well that it is a lie. Secondly, the moment you get with your squad, you go to the club and waste yourselves till midnight, that is when you realize that you are being waited at home.

I will marry you

You keep on telling every girl you date. This is now not a promise; it is your “vibe”. It does not make any sense since you are only interested into having her relax and lose all the insecurities but deep down you haven’t thought about settling down, you even don’t know what a wife material means to you.

I will avoid my crew

You have found love and now your lady starts her “rule” over you that if you need to change you have to leave your crew. Then unknowingly you tell her “yes, I will leave them”. Deep down you know that it is not true and you are only trying to charm her. A minute later you plan when to link up with the boys.