After Cuban doctors arrived in the country there has been lots of fun, politics, and drama going around. The communication barrier has raised a lot of eyebrows, many people wondering what would come in such an event. Below is a funny conversation between a Cuban doctor, translator, and a patient from Western.
Cuban doctors will have it rough especially huku Western.
Cuban Dr: Ask her what's the problem.
Translator: Mama, iko shida gani.
Mama: ai! Naskia tu mwili tu imekataa.
Translator: She says she feels her body has just refused.
Cuban Dr: (baffled) Refused what-what?
Translator: Imekataa nini mama?
Mama: Imekataa tu...yaani mwili si yangu.
Translator: (hesitates) yaani...i mean, she says the body has just refused (throwing arms haphazardly), the body is not hers.
Cuban Dr: The body is not hers?Translator: Yaani...I mean...
Mama: (interjects) Mwambie saa zingine naskianga tu kitu inatembeanga tu huku (clutches tummy) na inakuja tu huku "ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka" ikifika hapa na inasimama tu "KA!" Halafu uchungu inaeza tu toka hapa (holds back of her neck) na ikimbie tu hapa (runs hand through her lateral side) "rrrrruuuuuuuuuuuu"....halafu inishikie tu hapa (holds pelvis) kakack! Na ikinifanya tu hivyo naskia tu nikae kwa kivuli na nikunywe tu kitu kama maziwa.(Now there is a deathly silence....the translator is at pains to explain. The Cuban Dr looks at the translator anxiously while the mother stares at the translator helplessly)
Mama: Si umuambie?
Cuban Dr: ...what is she saying?
Translator: Ummmh....(clears throat then looks down while explaining), She says sometimes she hears something walking somewhere here (clutches tummy) "ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka"....then when it reaches here it stops just "KA!" Sometimes the pain can just leave here (holds back of his neck) and it runs through here (runs hand through his lateral side) "rrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuu"....then it catches her here (holds his pelvis) "kakack!" When it does her that, she hears she just wants to sit under a tree and drink something like milk.
Cuban Dr throws down clipboard, holds head with his two hands and walks away leaving the two confused. What do you think the translator could have done?