Itchy armpits can be so uncomfortable especially during a hot day. It mainly occurs when one has shaved his/her armpits. The itching can be so extreme to an extent of causing rushes. Here is how you can do away with the itching at home;
Lemon is important as it helps in treating rushes and skin irritations. Apply the lemon juice to your armpits after a shower. Leave it for two minutes then wash with cold water.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has got the healing power to the skin. Extract a fresh Aloe Vera and apply it to your armpits and leave it to dry before washing it.
It has got antibacterial properties which help in fighting any kind of infection. It also balances the Ph of the skin hence protecting it against friction.
Olive oil
The antioxidants, vitamins and minerals present in the olive oil are so important to the skin. Using a cotton wool, soak it in the olive oil and apply directly to the affected armpit. Leave it for twenty minutes then rinse the place with cold water.
Baking soda
Baking soda soothes any rush on the skin. Make a paste and apply to your armpits then wash it away. It also protects your skin from infections and balances the body Ph due to its alkaline property.
Mix the turmeric with lavender oil and apply it to your armpits till it dries up then wash it away. The antibacterial, antifungal and the antiseptic properties in it will do away with the rushes.
Vinegar balances the Ph level of the body and prevents infections from spreading, thanks to its antifungal properties. Take a shower and dry the place before applying the apple cider vinegar.