Building emotional intimacy in a relationship is not easy. Partners who lack emotional intimacy find it hard staying together. When you are not connected to each other, it becomes hard to sail through different challenges that come with relationships. Here are four signs your relationship lacks emotional intimacy.

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1. You feel distant from each other

Lack of emotional intimacy can make both partners feel distant. Your thoughts and feelings will become parallel. The feeling of togetherness will be non-existent if you are not connected intimately.

2. Lack of talk about emotions

When did you last talk about your emotions? Finding time to talk about your relationship can save it during hard times. If you no longer talk with the love of your life about pressing issues in the relationship then something is wrong somewhere.

3. Lack of transparency

Communication is crucial in relationships. If you start becoming secretive then your relationship is destined to fail. Lack of transparency in the affair can bridge mistrust in the affair.

4. No more touching

How often do you touch each other? Lack of touch can weaken the affair. Partners who spend time touching each other feel more connected in life. Try to reinvent yourself if you want things to work at the end of the day.