When using your local network providers Safaricom, Telkom or Airtel automated services, you will always get a female voice response wherever sound is required. Banks and your computer Cortana are other devices that use female voice assistants. However, this is the case in the Voice Assistants cycle.

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The feminine response is usually pleasant, lite and deferential regardless of what you ask or the tone you use. One of the reasons why a female voice is chosen is because women have been used for ages in the cases of Siri, Cortana and Alexa. Moreover, being a personal assistant is traditionally viewed as a feminine role.

Amazon revealed that they chose a female voice assistant because that was what clients wanted. The entity’s spokesperson revealed that a survey found that most customers wanted a friendly and helpful female voice.

Microsoft also defended its decision to make Cortana a woman. Their spokesperson told PCMag that a female voice offered an objective, supportive, trustworthy and helpful assistant.

Due to some social concerns, Google and Siri have developed an option where one can switch to a male voice in case you feel the female voice is not good for you.

Additionally, there is a social explanation of the current variation in voice assistant gender depending on the roles. Where authority is expected, a masculine voice is used, as is the case with IBM’s Watson.