Kisumu Governor Anyang' Nyong’o recently announced plans of seeking re-election in 2022.

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Speaking during an interview with NTV, the prof noted that he will seek re-election for one more term, then retire from active politics. 

“My plan is to serve as Kisumu County governor for two terms then retire from politics all together. I do not want to be the President of this Country,” he recently said.

Owing to his track record so far, the former ODM party Secretary General will undoubtedly be re-elected if a formidable candidate does not come up sooner or later.

As we head towards 2022, the Kisumu County boss is the man of the moment in Luo Nyanza because, unlike his colleagues in the region, Nyong’o is serving his first term after being elected last year.

 In 2022, he will be seeking re-election while the rest of his colleagues will be relinquishing gubernatorial seats after serving for two terms.

Siaya’s Cornel Rasanga, Homabay’s Cyprian Awiti, Migori’s Zachary Okoth Obado, Kisii’s James Ongwae and Nyamira’s John Obiero Nyagarama will all be retiring.

The exit of the five from Nyanza’s political high table will leave Nyong’o as the sole senior most leader as far as devolved governments are concerned.

He may as well have a major say on how the region will vote for various presidential candidates in 2022.
