Nyeri Town Member of Parliament Ngunjiri Wambugu has finally reacted to the controversial song 'Hatuna Deni, Kieleweke' by popular Kikuyu musician Kimani Wa Turacco.

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In the song which has since gone viral after it was released about a month ago, the Kiambu-based artist says the Kikuyu community does not have a political debt to pay to Deputy President William Ruto in the 2022 polls for having supported President Uhuru Kenyatta in the last two general elections.

Wambugu, who coined the name 'kieleweke' which Mount Kenya politicians against Ruto's early campaigns associate with, has been accused of sponsoring the controversial song in order to lock out the DP from getting votes from the region.

"I have listened to the song but I don't even know the singer," the vocal MP told the Nation on Tuesday.

Wambugu said although he does not endorse the song, some lyrics expressed reflects feelings of most people in the wider Mount Kenya region.

"Some sections of the song were in bad taste but part of the message reflected my observation," he said.

The vocal legislator has been urging elected leaders from Central Kenya to stop campaigning for Ruto and instead focus on helping the President deliver on his Big Four agenda and fight on corruption.