Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria has continued to criticise the Kenya-Uganda trade pact following President Yoweri Museveni's two-day State visit in the country.

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In a tweet on Saturday, Kuria argued that Kenya got a very bad trade deal from the bilateral negotiations.

The vocal MP noted that Kenyan farmers will continue to suffer following the move to allow chicken, sugar and eggs importations from Uganda.

"Kenya got a very bad trade deal from Uganda bilateral negotiations. Our farmers were left dead. But when Museveni went for a lecture at Kenyatta University, the students did not chant “Take back your sugar, milk, poultry, eggs, tiles & dry port” Instead they shouted “Bobi Wine!," he tweeted.

Kuria had earlier criticised President Uhuru Kenyatta over the outcome of the bilateral talks. He took to social media where he argued the several trade deals between Kenya and Uganda would only benefit Ugandans.

"President Yoweri Museveni came calling. I always say you underestimate this man at your peril. At the end of the bilateral negotiations, poultry EXPORTS from Uganda to Kenya to resume in a week. Dairy EXPORTS from Uganda to Kenya to face less paperwork. Sugar EXPORTS from Uganda to Kenya to rise from 36,000 tonnes to 90,000 tonnes. Ugandan Tiles Manufacturers to start EXPORTS to Kenya," said Kuria.
