Most Kamba women are learned. They do not ignore small things when it comes to romancing. 

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They know that a man who makes silly mistakes can end up frustrating them in life. 

These women from Kamba land want men who do things perfectly. Learn to be perfect when dealing with women from Ukambani. 

These women love it when you send them romantic messages. 

Here are five basic rules to observe if you want to win Kamba woman;

1.  Improper grammar

Kamba women want men who use proper grammar. Unless you decide to use slang, make sure you use the right words. Statements such as “I missed you” will cost you.

2. Poor emoticons

Women from Ukambani love men who evoke emotions when sending them messages. Use your words carefully if you want to evoke their emotions. Select words that show you want to date her.

3. Send her too many messages

Kamba women never want men who send too many text messages. Why send her hundreds of messages. Be brief and to the point if you want to win her heart. These women want men who know how to make them feel their presence.

4. Text at the wrong time

How many times have you been texting your woman? Do you send her text messages at the right time? Kamba women want men who text them when they are free. Do not send her messages while she is at work busy.

5. Not using romantic words

Kamba women feel bad when you send them messages such as Good Morning, How was your night? What are your doing? These women want you to add sweeteners such as dear, honey, sweetheart and sweet pie.
