Residents from informal settlements in Kisumu City have urged President Uhuru Kenyatta to address the issue of housing when he visits the Lakeside region on Thursday.

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Speaking on behalf of residents who live in informal settlements, Kisumu Informal Settlements Network (KISNET) Chairman Eliazar Ouma Osanya said that the greatest challenge facing them is having to stay in deplorable houses.

“We are glad to welcome the Head of State in Kisumu. He should address the issue of better housing when he comes here on Thursday. Due to poor housing in slums, it is all about living but not better living. The President should speak about better housing in slums,” said Osanya while addressing members of the press in Bandani.

Bandani, Manyatta, Obunga, Kibos, Nyalenda and Manyatta Arabs are some of the slums in Kisumu.

In a bid to improve housing in slum areas, Osanya said that they are currently manufacturing interlocking blocks which will in turn be used to construct better quality and affordable houses.

President Kenyatta is expected in Kisumu on Thursday alongside ODM party leader Raila Odinga.The Head of State will lead the official launch of the pilot phase of the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) program.

The pilot phase is being implemented in Kisumu, Nyeri, Machakos and Isiolo counties before being rolled out to the other devolved units across the country.
