The history of how Kenya came to be what it is today is very interesting especially with the flow of events from colonial period to independence period. 

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Here is a brief timeline of Kenyan history from 1850;

1850: This was the time when the Europeans began the mapping of the African continent to create borders. 

1895: This is the year when the United Kingdom took over East Africa. East Africa Protectorate began and East Africa was named British East Africa Protectorate(BEAC).

1905: Nairobi was named the capital of the British East Africa Protectorate.

1914:  The British established their military base in Kenya for World War. 

1920: BEAC was transformed to Kenya colony and Uganda colony. Hurry Thuku started the Young Kikuyu Association and Kikuyu central Association was formed. It is also in 1920 that Sir Edward Northey became the first governor or ruler of the Kenya colony. 

1944: Hurry Thuku found the Kenya Africa Study Union(KASU). 

1947: Jomo Kenyatta was named the president of KASU.

1952: The Mau Mau Uprising was formed with an aim of forcing out the British rulership.

1953: On the 8th of April, Jomo Kenyatta was jailed. 1962: Kenya African Study Union(KASU) and Kenya African Democratic Union(KADU) formed a coalition government. Mau Mau Uprising also ended in 1962. 

1963: This is the year Kenya attained independence and Jomo Kenyatta became the first Prime Minister serving Elizabeth II. Kenya became a member of the commonwealth. 

1964: Kenya became a republic and  Jomo Kenyatta became the first president. 

1969: Tom Mboya was  assassinated in the streets of Nairobi. 

1978: Jomo Kenyatta died and Daniel Moi took over as president. 

1982: Kenya became a one party state and the General Service Unit formed. 

1991: Kenya repeals section 2A(one party) of the constitution. 

2002: Moi's era ends having ruled for 24 years. Mwai Kibaki takes over as the third president. 

2007: Kibaki maintains seat after elections. War rises after his close rival Raila Odinga declines to accept the win.

2009: UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan hands names of the main suspects of the 2007 post election wars to the International Criminal Court(ICC).

2012: George Saitoti and Orwa Ojode killed in a deadly helicopter crash. 

2013: Kibaki's era ended and Kenya went to the polls where Uhuru Kenyatta deputised by William Ruto won the elections. 

2017: Kenya held another general election in which Uhuru Kenyatta won again but the Supreme Court led by David Maraga annulled Uhuru's victory after Odinga filed a petition. The election was repeated on the 26 of October 2017 after which Uhuru was pronounced winner. 

2018: On the 30th of January, Odinga was sworn in as the people's president at Uhuru Park. On the 9th of March, Odinga and Kenyatta reconciled in what was called Historical Handshake at the Harambee House. 
