Following the gruesome murder of Rongo University student Sharon Otieno early this month, calls have intensified for government to reopen cold cases involving mysterious deaths of young women in the past.

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Among those Kenyans wants revisted, is the killing of Mercy Keino, a former law student at the University of Nairobi.

Keino's body was found along Waiyaki Way on June 17, 2011 after attending a night party at Wasini Luxury Apartments in Westlands, Nairobi.

The party is said to have been hosted by former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo.

At that time the prominent Kiambu politician was the Member of Parliament for Juja constituency.

During the inquiry into the death of the 25-year-old student, witnesses said Keino got drunk and became aggressive, forcing organisers to escort her out of the party.

She was found dead the next day on Waiyaki Way, having been run over by cars.

Lucina Muriuki, a witness, said she saw a body under a Mercedes Benz car on Waiyaki Way on the night of June 17, 2011.

There have been claims that the girl ran out of the house after Kabogo slapped her.

However, the flamboyant politician was in 2013 cleared of any wrongdoing by Kehancha Magistrate Peter Ndwiga, who ruled that evidence produced did not link him to the killing.

Although Kabogo was absolved from the tragic incident, the issue seems to hang around his neck.

On Wednesday during Citizen TV's JKL show, Kabogo was forced to comment on the issue saying he was under pressure from Kenyans on social media.

The former county boss maintained he was innocent and asked critics to let go of the issue.

"Let the poor girl rest in peace...the truth is known...why do you want to continue hurting her father? I had nothing to do with the death of that girl, it was a simple traffic accident," Kabogo said.