Being in a relationship can only be good until problems start manifesting. 

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Some problems can be solved easily, while others need a lot of commitment and divine miracles to deal with. 

You, therefore, have to make sure that the relationship does not reach the point where these problems are profoundly manifesting.

Here are some relationship problems you just can't fix:

1. Partner is needlessly argumentative

Some partners just love the drama and want everything to be conjured up with some bit of controversy.

You can never bend them to your will. They will also put up a fight before anything right is done. 

When this happens in a relationship, it is best to be as gentle a possible and let them blend in. 

If they are argumentative, there is no way you can solve it. 

It is better to act like a dumb fool and let them calm down on their own, or simply walk away.

2. Secrecy

If your partner is very secretive about the things they do or where they go when you are not around, it becomes really hard to have them stop that. 

They will always be trying to find ways to be on their own and not be willing to talk about it with you. 

When this starts happening, you risk losing the relationship if you try to follow up closely. 

There are not many ways you can fix this one. It is therefore wise to just wait and approach from the sides to have them probably change it.

3. You can’t open up to each other

You may be having personal problems, and this may even be affecting your relationship. 

The big problem is that you never open up to each other. 

You may talk about a lot of things and leave issues in your personal lives always pending with a lot to offer. 

This is a very serious situation in any relationship. 

Handling this requires a lot of time and effort, but still, not all will be said.
