Onions are commonly used for cooking. Apart from cooking, onions can be used to make juice which has numerous benefits to the human body. Onion juice is rich in vitamins C, B6 and folic acid and also has an extensive supply of calcium, magnesium, iron, chromium and phosphorus. 

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Some of the benefits of onion juice is improves digestion onion juice supplies insulin a dietary fiber that is a good food source for the healthy bacteria present in the intestines. This inulin fosters a good healthy bowel movement and keeps the bacteria at a safe level and therefore increasing digestion.

Onion juice can also be used as a remedy for cold and respiratory disorders. The volatile oil present in the onion dislodges the mucus and prevents its fresh formation. This juice can be used to heal bronchitis, coughs and metabolism infections, also raw onions are recommended to fight off colds. Using onion juice can also be used to maintain bone health, this is because onions contains a compound  that prevents excessive bone loss.       

The regular use of onion juice reduces the blood sugar level , the  trace a mounts  of chromium present in the onions is perceived to improve glucose tolerance and decreases the fasting sugar level. Consumption of onion has been shown to lower the cholesterol . This juice also has different types of sulfides, which offer protection against neoplasm growth, with this consumption of juice reduces the risk of many cancers like esophageal cancer, renal cancer, breast cancer, laryngeal cancer and prostate cancer.
