Just six days after leaving Industrial Area prison, Governor Okoth Obado has reshuffled his cabinet, a move that has caused anxiety, reports the Standard.

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Mr. Obado was released last week on Sh5 million cash bail but was slapt with strict instructions including not visiting his Rapogi home.

In the changes, Mr Dominic Akugo who has been the Director in charge of administration in the governor’s Office have been moved to the Ministry of Education in the same capacity. 

He replaces Lazarus Ogutu who is currently facing corruption charges.Mr Edward Kabaka Ochenge has been appointed Chief Officer for Water and Energy department replacing Donald Jaleny who was moved to the Monitoring and Evaluation department.

According to Migori County Communication Director Nicholas Anyuor, the changes were normal administrative decisions meant to improve services to the people of Migori.https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001301065/panic-as-obado-reshuffles-cabinet

“There are some changes that are still under way, which will be communicated in appropriate time,” said Anyuor.

But an executive who spoke in confidence, said that a number of staff is afraid because the governor could sack them.

"There is panic everywhere. You can't tell what he's going to do next. Perhaps it's me who will be kicked out," he claimed.

Mr. Obado is facing murder charges along with his aides Michael Oyamo and Caspal Obiero, who however failed to secure bail.

The trio are accused of murdering Rongo University student Sharon Otieno, who was buried this month, six days before Obado's release.

He will be returning to court in May next year and presiding Judge Jessie Lessit banned him from adjourning proceedings.