The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will employ 198 secondary school teachers in Machakos County.

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This was revealed by the county's TSC director David Mukui. 

Mukui said out of the 198 positions, 54 teachers will be deployed to Masinga and Yatta sub-counties. 

"25 teachers will be deployed to Masinga while 29 in Yatta sub-county, TSC had given Machakos County 198 positions," Mukui said.

He spoke at Makivenzi secondary school in Matuu, Yatta Sub-county on Tuesday.

Mukui said the exercise will be conducted in a free and fair way since every qualified applicant is suitable for the job .

"Everyone with qualifications has the right to apply, that's why the whole exercise should be open,free and fair," he said.

He said there's a 40 percent shortage of secondary school teachers in Machakos County.

Mukui said schools with excess teachers in the county will be decongested in April this year for those with few ones to benefit.

"Schools with excess teachers will be decongested for those with few one to benefit," he said.

He said each single streamed school should have eight teachers.

Mukui said the county's public primary schools are not faced with shortage of teachers.
