Cheating and infidelity in almost all relationships is not a new thing. People cheat for varied reasons depending on the situation they are in. The following are very common lies that cheating women tell

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He is like a brother to me

If your lady or spouse spends most of the times chatting with certain guys or a particular one to be specific, you need to pay a keen attention. It even worsens when you inquire because the obvious answer will be “He is just a friend and like a brother, nothing more”. Take care because your lady is probably having an affair with the so-called “brother”.

 I was with the girls

Sometimes when your lady goes out at odd times, then on trying to reach to her through the phone, no one picks the call and later on she calls back saying she was with the girls and somehow it took more time, you need to research further because she may be just using “my girls” to cover up the story.

I’m working late

This is the most common excuse and it probably means she doesn’t want any disturbance from you inform of calls or texts and who knows she may be having some good time with some man.

You are the best thing that ever happened to me

When your woman suddenly showers you with lots of praises, like you are the best thing in her life, that you are her world, take time to think, she may be covering up some quilt in her.
