Late official invitations of Nyanzan MPs orchestrated absence of at least 19 Nyanza MPs who may have been willing to attend Deputy President William Ruto's Nyanza trip.
Only Governor Okoth Obado and Karachuonyo MP Adipo Okuome accompanied Ruto on his historical trip to South Nyanza, that came two days after his historic meeting with Raila Odinga at Karen.
An ODM insider said: "I have talked to a number of MPs and most of them have confirmed they got the message for invitation late Sunday night. This made it impossible for some to attend."
"They suspect that the DP deliberately invited them late so that he could block some of them. There was little time and some had left for Nairobi," said the insider who spoke in confidence.
Both Homa Bay and Migori have a total of 16 constituencies and one senator and Women Representative each making it 20.
Earlier, a top campaigner of Deputy President William Ruto, Mr David Ogwagwa had claimed in one of Nyamira County WhatsApp group that Suna East MP Junet Mohammed was planning chaos.
"We are aware that Junet has planned to disrupt DPs tour but he will be shocked. Things won't work out for him," he noted.
Mr Mohammed however, while speaking with Radio Lake Victoria, insisted that his absence from the meeting was orchastrated by Ruto's late invitation.
"I don't support him and am sure he's out to disrupt handshake but had they invited us early, I'd have attended."
Migori Women Representative Pamela Odhiambo is however admitted after involvement in an accident a fortnight ago while Homa Bay Governor Cyprian Awiti has gone missing for a while.
Despite little commotion at Suna East where angry supporters displayed cockerels in support for Gideon Moi, the trip was largely peaceful.