In an era where unemployment has dogged young graduates, sourcing for online jobs could be the answer to their troubles, the government has told Uasin Gishu youths.

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Speaking during Ajira Digital Skills training at Waunifor, Cheplasgei, and Kapteldet ICT centres on Thursday, head of capacity at the ICT ministryZilpher Owiti urged youths to focus on the online jobs available.

"You are privileged with the ICT centres in every sub-county and with the free internet, utilise them by searching many things you can do online to earn a living," she stated.

Owiti maintained that the internet has opened a new job market for many people which the jobless can also venture into.

She urged Uasin Gishu youths to make good use of the ICT centres in the county.

" champions of these ICT centres and by so doing, ensure as well you embrace entrepreneurial skills," she added.

John Kemboi who is an ICT and e-government Chief officer reiterated that the programme was mainly put in place to help jobless youths get engaged with activities that can earn them income.

"As you being taught how to create online accounts, make use of them since opportunities are always online," opined the ICT expert.

Many youths who attended the week-long Ajira Digital Skills training expressed gratitude saying it has greatly benefited them.