Chebet Pinkie, a young lady from Surgoi Village in Uasin Gishu county has come under attack from youths in Eldoret for what they term as spoiling the image of Kalenjin youths. 

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Chebet has made a name for herself on social media for not only posting but also selling nude photos and videos of herself. 

The controversial socialite has more than 30,000 followers on Instagram while her Telegram account has 1,121 members.

The angry youths now want serious actions to be taken against the lady for spreading explicit content on social media which may affect under aged social media users.

“A while back Ezekiel Mutua threatened to ban pornography in Kenya. If he was indeed serious then he should start with socialites like Chebet who are posting nudes all over the internet. We must uphold our moral righteousness as a country. How do we expect to bring up an upright generation when young teenagers in high school and universities are growing up seeing he likes of Chebet becoming celebrities for selling nudity,” Daniel Kiprop, a businessman at Kesses noted in anger.

A section of the youths on the other hand are more worried of the damage that the lady is bringing to the image of Kalenjin youths.

“She should even have used an alias in her business, but she is using a Kalenjin name which brings a negative perception of the Kalenjin youths. People will now create a stereotype about Kalenjin ladies basing on what she is doing. This matter should be taken with the utmost seriousness,” Edward Kipruto, a third-year student at Moi University commented.

Ruth Cheptoo, a fourth-year student at Moi University and also a feminist believes the general image of women is on the line.

“It is not just the matter of the lady being a Kalenjin. For a long time, women have been portrayed as tools for sex. And ladies like Chebet are doing nothing but to make the situation worse when people like us are out there fighting for women to be respected and treated with equality,” Chepoo expressed herself.

Young ladies especially those in high school and universities have further been advised to stop sharing nude photos or videos as it will deny them a lot of opportunities especially career wise.
