There was drama in Kisii after a 32-year-old woman was frog-marched from her house and caned in public for allegedly stealing fertiliser from a tea buying centre. 

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The incident occurred on Monday at Moisabisabi village in Mokonge, Nyamache in Kisii County. 

It is alleged that Mary Matoke stole Wycliffe Basiri’s fertiliser which had been stored at Mokonge tea buying centre hall. 

“All farmers received fertiliser to use in their tea farms. Mary was given one sack while Basiri received 19 sacks of fertiliser. Mary decided to steal one sack from Basiri out of jealousy. When Basiri hired motorbikes to ferry the fertiliser to his home he realised one sack was missing,” said James Orenge.

Orenge said they had to go through the records to confirm how many sacks of fertiliser each farmer had received.

"After checking the records to confirm how the fertiliser was distributed to all farmers, we launched a search in each homestead to find out who stole the one sack from Basiri. We were shocked when we found Mary had hidden the stolen sack under the bed in her bedroom,” said Orenge.

Area chief Zachariah Nyamweya said angry tea farmers frog-marched the suspect from her house, paraded her before members of the public where they caned her thoroughly.

 “Tea farmers got angry when they found the stolen sack of fertiliser at Mary’s house. They beat her up and banned her from stepping foot at the tea buying centre for three months,” said Nyamweya.

He called on tea farmers to utilise fertilisers to boost their yields.
