Generally, gossiping and engaging in casual conversations are things that are widely considered womanish in many societies.

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However, this effeminate wave, as many Thika men can affirm, has come to take roots among them.

"There is a group of my male friends whom I cannot share with anything secretive because I am sure they will leak it sooner than later," Paul Kimani, a Makongeni bodaboda rider says.

Joseph Ndirangu, a potter at Madaraka Market in the same area also seems to agree with Kimani's sentiments.

"There are many of my men friends who appear it's like their mouths burn and until they tell other people what you confided in them, they won't be at peace with themselves," Ndirangu says.

So, with this reality of the existence of male gossipers, the question is, how can you identify them?

Well, here are some of the characteristics to look for.

1. They suffer from inferiority complex

A man who spends most of his time gossiping about other people and even his friends usually has a general feeling of inadequacy in his own sphere of life.

To fill this void, there is nothing else he can find worth doing apart from yapping and gossiping about other people with the ultimate aim of gaining favours from those he is spreading gossip to.

2. They are jealous

Many male gossipers are mostly jealous and envious of among other things achievements of the people they spend their time gossiping about.

3. Quick in trashing positive remarks about those they consider better than them in any particular thing

Male gossipers do not entertain any compliment put across by anyone pertaining people they perceive better than them. Instead, they are always eager to counter the compliment(s) with a negative(s) that the person under focus has.

4. Always striving to outdo their perceived and sometimes nonexistent competitors

This leads them to waste a lot of time scheming on how to outdo or even bring down other people who are just minding about their own businesses. You can call them wild goose chasers.

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