Kenyans who love the popular dish of Ugali on Sunday night went crazy on Twitter after an article of how ugali can cause infertility in men was published by a local media house.

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The article authoritatively stated that maize-made food could reduce sperm count in men.

 IVF specialist Dr Shaunak Khandwala, explained that contaminated ugali has negative effects on men who eat it.

According to Dr Khandwala, contaminated maize contains aflatoxins that can reduce the sperm count.

“Obesity, stress, pollutants in the environment, heavy metals in the food we eat and even ugali can cause infertility. Ugali has what we call aflatoxins that can reduce sperm count,” Dr Khandwala was quoted by the Standard.

In 2016, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) revealed that milk, maize and sorghum sold in Kenya contained high aflatoxin levels which could make men infertile.

During their research, ILRI found that 95 percent of the 403 maize samples collected from households and retailers in Nairobi contained aflatoxin.

Kenyans on Twitter, however, dismissed the findings of the article saying that men from Western Kenya where Ugali is a popular dish and a common meal any time of the day are very fertile.

The article hit a nerve on Kenyans on Twitter and here is what they had to say: