Swahili women are mostly found at the Coastal region in counties like Mombasa.

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Swahili ladies are known for their respect, kindness, submissiveness and loyalty.

These women are also beautiful and men from other tribes yearn to marry them.

However, it is not an any easy task to woo a beautiful Swahili woman as majority men think.

According Zeituna Ibrahim, a relationship expert, wooing a Swahili woman is a daunting task for majority of men.

Here are tips on how a man can charm and win the heart of a Swahili woman.

1. Giver her your attention

Swahili women just like others value attention. If you are dating a Swahili woman always give her the attention she requires.

Never neglect or fail to address her concerns.

2. Call her regularly

Communication is the engine of any relationship. By calling her daily, texting her or even visiting will give her confidence to open up to you.

3. Value and respect her opinion 

Women like and love it when their men give them opportunity to speak out on issues.

When dating Swahili woman always give her chance to speak and contribute to issues. Never judge a Swahili lady when she makes an opinion.

4. Buy her gifts 

Every woman loves gifts as it strengthens the relationship.

When dating a Swahili woman from Mombasa often buy her gifts.