Surrogacy is a legal agreement between a surrogate mother and a childless couple. The surrogate mother agrees to rent her womb to the couple until the child is born. This mother is paid for agreeing to become pregnant for the childless couple. This is not common in Kenya but you can make good money from this special business. Payment can range from KS 300,000 to 1,500,000 depending on your agreement.
If you decide to venture into this business, please understand the following issues besides how much money you will make:
Types of surrogacy
There are the traditional and gestational types of surrogacy. In traditional surrogacy, a surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with the sperms from the couple’s husband. This means that the child will be genetically related to the surrogate mother. On the other hand, gestational surrogacy involves planting the couple’s egg and sperm or seeds from donors then she carries the baby. It is advisable that you research on legal requirements before choosing the best alternatives.
Legal formalities
You should note that there is a legally binding contract signed. This document must include your name, the couple’s names, type of surrogacy, payment agreement and other relevant terms and conditions. Read it carefully before signing.
Disadvantages of surrogacy
It is worth understanding the disadvantages of being a surrogate mother. The main problem of being a surrogate mother is the disconnection with the baby after birth. This will affect you psychologically and physically.