Some people tend to lose memory as early as at their twenties or thirties. You can never even remember the name of your best friend or child. You may be holding your phone and you are seriously looking for it around your house. Do you know what causes it? Below are some of the things that make you become forgetful.

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Depression affects your actions, feelings and thinking ability. When undergoing depression, you will experience cognitive changes.


Smoking is one of the causes of loss of memory. It causes damage to the brain

Alcohol intake

People who drink a lot of alcohol are likely to forget easily compared to those who don’t.

Injured head

Head injuries may lead to confusion and damage to the brain. Knocking the head severally while playing can damage your head. Some serious accidents that involve the head may cause permanent damage to the head.

Lack of exercise

Exercise is good for the human body because it not only refreshes your body but also your brain. Having exercise daily will make you alert and fresh in your mind always.

Lack of sleep

Sleeping is essential as it helps the mind to relax. People who sleep for longer hours are said to have a more sharp memory compared to those who sleep for fewer hours.


Somebody who has got prolonged stress is said to have loss of memory. Chronic stress can lead to a very serious problem like depression which triggers the functioning of the brain.