Man caught cheating by his partner(Photo/

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Cheating can be one of the most destructive actions you can take in a relationship. It destroys trust, and trust is often very hard to rebuild. Everyone knows this but people cheat anyway.

Some people don’t particularly care. They simply meet their own needs and don’t take much notice of the needs of their lovers.

 So why do people still cheat?

Here are the top reasons why some people can't stop cheating despite knowing the chaos it is likely to create:

Fearing commitment

People who fear commitment can find themselves cheating whenever a relationship gets to the place where they should move to the ‘next stage’. Where pressure to commit is often internal rather than from the partner.


Some people feel the only way to react to their partner cheating is to go and cheat themselves so as to be even.

To exit from a relationship

Many people find it hard to end a relationship and so will use an affair as a way of leaving the relationship. Some have trouble accepting they truly wish to end the relationship until they find themselves involved in an affair.


Many people are impulsive in lots of areas of their lives. Impulsivity is very common when it comes to sex, especially when people have been drinking or using other mind-altering substances. If the opportunity is available, such people don’t think through the consequences of their actions, they simply act.

To avoid conflict

Some people find conflict really difficult to manage. They will do almost anything to avoid having conversations in which they know a lover will disagree and most likely be upset with them.