A 26-year old woman is nursing injuries after she was thoroughly beaten by her husband for allegedly taking family planning pills.

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The incident happened at Eronge village in Kitutu Chache North, Kisii County. 

Eunice Bikeri, a mother of one was attacked by her husband of 5 years, Edward Obutu after she went for family planning without consulting him. 

“I have been using family planning pills for the last one year. My husband has been questioning why I don’t conceive but, I kept on tricking him until he found the pills in my handbag,” said Bikeri.

She said the angered husband descended on her with kicks and blows without even giving her time to explain.

Neighbors said Obutu could have killed Bikeri because he was highly tempered when he realised his wife has been using pills. 

“Obutu broke Bikeri’s left hand and injured her on the forehead before she screamed for help. We rushed to the homestead and rescued the woman before taking her to Marani hospital for treatment,” said a neighbor Benson Momanyi.

 Area assistant chief, Amos Osore warned men against beating their wives saying they risk arrest and prosecution, he also called on women to involve their husband whenever they go for family planning to curb unnecessary quarrels.
