What was meant to be a nice outing for Easter holiday, may have turned out to be a nightmare for a number of VIPs among them Saboti MP Caleb Amisi, who was among tens evicted from VIP lounge at Club Milan in Westlands on Saturday, it has been claimed

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President Uhuru Kenyatta's youngest son Muhoho Kenyatta, a source claimed, stormed the club and with help of his bodyguards, evicted several VIPs among them Mr Amisi, a first term legilator in Trans Nzoia.

“I am an elected MP and this is not fair. What about common mwananchi? Is the son of the President above the law?” posed Mr Amisi, who was in company of other legilators.

In his known Twitter account by the handle Kijana wa Power, Mr Amisi, who is the only elected ODM MP from Trans Nzoia, protested the move, adding that he was harassed out of the lounge.

"Uhuru son muhoho cause trouble in club Milan westlands demanding to occupy vip place by using police force ,forcing management to evict us by force,an elected mp , despite us having paid fully for VIP .what about common people? he above the law (sic)? asked Amisi.

Ford Kenya youth leader and a close confidant of Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula, Mr Nalianya Simiyu, took on his Facebook page to condemn the incident, wondering why Mr Muhoho was allowed to roam with many bodyguards.

"TeamUhuruKIBICHO has allowed Muhoho Kenyatta to roam from club to club with Extra Security to frustrate VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE including my Area MP yet Our DP DR Sugoi has been left with 2 SECURITY OFFICERS only....KWELI HUU NI UNGWANA KWELI MY FRIENDS FROM THE RIFT?" he protested.

Of the three children of President Uhuru Kenyatta, only Muhoho makes public appearances often. His other siblings Ngina Kenyatta and Jomo Kenyatta prefer private lives. He's often pictured partying.

Sometimes this year, there was rumours that Mr Muhoho Kenyatta was being prepared to take on Moses Kuria in Gatundu South constituency. President Uhuru Kenyatta's relationship with Moses Kuria has deteriorated lately.