Bishop James Gitahi Maina of Priesthood Fellowship Church in Kahawa West, Kiambu County, is considered one of the controversial preachers in Kenya. 

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Bishop JJ Gitahi has gained fame in the recent past due to his teachings, especially those on how women should clean their vaginas to keep their men."As a pastor, I counsel couples on different issues. Most men come to me complaining that their wives' smelly privates are affecting their sex life," said Dr Bishop JJ during a previous interview.A month ago, he set the internet ablaze when he came up with a new lesson of how women should dance to secular music."Life is too short, stop taking your husband to Hague when he takes you out for a date. She starts questioning the husband how he knew about the place, if he has ever taken another woman there, who showed him how to dance," said Bishop Gitahi.Last Sunday, the bishop had a word of advice for men. He said men should treat their security guards well as the guards keep a lot of secrets.Bishop Gitahi said it is the security guard at the gate who understands all that happens at one's home."Be greeting those watchmen at your gates because they know every man who visits your woman after you have left,” said Gitahi."Sometimes they say to themselves 'if this man could be talking to us we could have told him about the other men that come in after he has left', so be greeting them," he added.
