Money changes life. People with money differently from those without. With money you can be able to pay bills, get the things you have always wanted but there are things that cannot be bought by money. Let me take you through some of the reasons money won’t make you happy.

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1. You can never get enough

It is never enough we always want matter what you have there will always be something better that you will also want to buy. People we consider to be rich will also wake up early in the morning to work to get richer. There is never a point of contentment where you say I think now I have had enough I don’t need more.

2. Friendships

They say friends make life beautiful and the more the merrier. Money can make you attract a lot of friends some true others just love you for what you have. As long as you got the money you get to keep a lot of friends by your side.

3. Mental illness

Some people when they are broke (like me) we tend to easily fall into depression. When we are in this state of depression we actually think that money is the only cure. And somehow when we get the money we tend to snap out of it.

4. Instant relief

Money is a source of instant happiness, when you are down you can take alcohol to lift your spirits. When you need a distraction you can go shopping. But that gives you temporary relief, after the alcohol leaves your system what was weighing you down is still there.

5. Money isn’t entirely evil

It helps us get basic needs food shelter and clothing. And please don’t get me wrong I did not say it is bad to go and get that money. But don’t let your happiness depend on money like I have done in the past. Be grateful for what you have and forget what you don’t have for now.