Former Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto maintains that he is not sure of his support for Deputy President William Ruto's 2022 presidential because he (DP) is yet to officially declare so.

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Speaking on Point Blank show on KTN, the Chama Cha Mashinani (CCM) party leader said he is yet to take a stand because 2022 elections are still far and because DP Ruto hasn't officially declared his bid.

Ruto said until Jubilee gives DP Ruto a ticket to vie for the presidency is 2022;  then, DP Ruto can ask for CCM's support.

"I'm not so sure if he has declared it though people keep saying it because the elections haven't been called. Jubilee Party has not met to appoint him as the Jubilee presidential candidate. We (CCM) will only respond when that happens," said the ex-Bomet county boss.

"At that stage, if there is a need for us to support him, he will ask us as CCM to ask us to support him. As at now, he has not come to ask for our support," he added.

The DP and the CCM boss were once close allies and even formed the now defunct in URP (United Republic Party) before the  URP folded to form Jubilee Party.

However, the two fell out in Jubilee's first term which saw the latter form the Chama Cha Mashinani party and even became a co-principal in the opposition's National Super Alliance in the runup to 2017 general elections.