The rate of prostitution in Thika town is tremendously increasing day by day, with the majority being students of various institutions located within Thika and its environs. Some of the notable institutions in Thika are Mount Kenya University, Thika Institute of Business Studies and Thika Technical Training Institute.
Prostitution in Thika is a 24-hour economy. With the majority of those operating during the day being middle-aged women. However, when night falls, a new category of sex workers emerge. These are young fashionable and skimpily dressed girls who will run your pockets dry. Just a mere look at them will make you folk out your hard earned cash to seek their services.
One popular brothel that accommodates the twilight girls is the sky motel that is located along Uhuru street. The rooms go for Sh100 for short time, while the prostitutes charge a mere Sh200 to quench your thirst.
Shockingly, not all the skimpily dressed ladies here are after sleeping with men. Some cohort with robbers and thieves to steal valuables from unsuspecting clients. They will even go to the extent of hurting you if you try to resist their demands.