Every human being has told a lie at one point in time. The large majority in our society believe that men lead in this. Whether this is true or not we leave it for another day. 

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Just like everyone, men tell lies and here are some of the things some men find themselves lying about

Their anger

A man might be annoyed on a particular issue but he will do everything possible to hide his anger. Due to their fear of showing anger on certain things, they end up suffering inside because it does not vanish easily. If it reveals itself, it leaves a terrible blow to their spouse.


Covering up failure is something most guys do. This is because no one wants to be labelled a disgrace. According to research, in efforts to avoid disappointment, making others love them, impressing their friends and family, men end up lying on some mistakes.


According to research, 1 out of 5 men admitted that they have told a lie relating to their income. This has happened mostly at the beginning of relationships in an effort to impress and win potential dates. This is a lie that has been shown to lead to nasty breakups. 

Past relationships

One of the things men have been seen to avoid telling to their lovers is about cheating in their previous relationships. This is in an effort to avoid scaring off their new lover. This kind of lie has been proved to wear down trust in the relationship.