Kisii town is growing very fast and it has become the social and economic hub in the southern Nyanza region.Today almost every university in Kenya has a branch within the precincts of Kisii town.

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Recently the county hosted the Lake Region Economic Bloc where executive leaders, governors inclusive from the member counties attended.

While we are proud of these developmental changes, the leaders seem to take lightly of the changes by either acting ignorant or in an oblivion of the issue of garbage.

No one will come to your house if you are dirty and if he does, he won’t stay for long. The county leaders have promised for a while now that there are plans in place to purchase a new land that will be used as a garbage dumping site; however, this seems not to happen.

Early in the morning, most parts not far from Kisii town are normally impassable due to a stinking odour from recklessly dumped garbage or the garbage place on the very roads thus making them impassable.

The county administration must move to speed and look into the issue of where garbage should be dumped if we are to attract and maintain investors. There is a need for strict regulation to guard against those recklessly littering the town. Please cease from littering Kisii. It makes me bitter!
