Life in the university can be challenging especially when you are left with less or no money. 

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At this particular point, to keep going you have to upgrade your survival techniques. 

Here are some of the survival techniques that students in the University of Eldoret (UOE) habituate to keep going in campus;

Being in campus, you are guaranteed that you will, at some point, have only two meals a day or even one if the situation is too tough. Proper timing and the time difference between the meals matters a lot.  Most of the students in the university combines breakfast and lunch, commonly called brunch, that is taken at around 11am and 12am. The next meal will be taken late at night. This reduces the survival cost by reducing the expenditure on food.

Another survival techniques is ‘food recycling’. This is majorly on Ugali where you have cooked more than you can consumed. Throwing food is a taboo in most communities and it also applies in campus. Therefore, ugali that remains during super is kept to be used the following day.

Friends are believed to be the recipe of life and through the spirit of comradeship, having many friends is also a survival technique. When you are completely down but your stomach hardly understands that, you will have to run to your friends to avoid starving.

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