Deputy President William Ruto now says he's not afraid of Kenya adopting a parliamentary system of government which is being advocated by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

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With referendum debate picking momentum ahead of 2022 polls, a section of ODM leaders along with President Uhuru Kenyatta have hinted a possible shift from the current presidential system on pretect that 'winner-take all' has been the major reason behind post election violence.

At Sugoi on Wednesday, the DP insisted that he's comfortable with parliament system of government but sources indicate he's rooting for executive Prime Minister post.

"I am ready for the referendum. If they want us to go parliamentary system way, I will be willing to go for it. I don't fear anything. If they want presidential system, I am equally ready," he said.

Although the referendum question is yet to be put, Kenya is likely to have an executive Prime Minister and a ceremonial Head of State in the 2022 polls.

But the tough talking Ruto insisted that he will not allow those pushing for constitutional changes to reduce counties, wards and constituencies, adding that the issue of adding more resources to devolved units will be discussed.

"We cannot however allow them to reduce wards, constituencies or counties. The only discussion we can have is increasing of resources to the counties," he said.
