Much has been said about founding Vice President the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga's iconic home which has since been turned into a mausoleum.

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However, more details only came to light on Friday as President Uhuru Kenyatta toured the region during the last leg of his historical Luo Nyanza tour.

He was hosted at Kang'o Ka Jaramogi in Bondo, Siaya county, by Opposition leader and Oginga's second-born son Raila Odinga and his older brother Oburu Oginga.

A footage taken during the tour indicate that the place is a well kept haven of history which carries with it everything associated with the departed opposition figure.

At the entrance are two carved lions which welcome you to the expansive premises, another perched on top of the older Odinga's tomb.

On the walls are historical pictures, most in black and white, some portraying Jaramogi during his political days, both in the nation, and while on his many international trips.

Other big framed photos are hanging down the walls depicting international political and revolutionary figures.

Kenyatta was also shown a whole glass closet of walking sticks, considering that Oginga was considered an elder, a rank demonstrated by the use of the walking aids.

Outside, other members of the Oginga family who have also departed are laid to rest in the Kang'o cemetery, among them Oginga's first wife and Raila's mother Mary Odinga.

Here is the video.