Palmistry is an ancient way of telling people's fortunes based on the lines on their palms. 

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All people with letter M on their palms have four lines that are; life line, heart line, fate line and head line although some of these lines do not lead to the formation of letter M.

Those who have this letter either at one palm or both, have the following

The Life line curls from between the thumb and index finger to the base of the thumb almost at the wrist. The Headline runs from between the forefinger and the thumb to the centre of the palm. 

The Heart line runs from between the middle finger and index finger to the base of the small finger, 

The Fate line which in most cases is unnoticeable and makes many people fail to have the letter runs from the middle finger to the centre of the palm.

The letter M on your palm indicates a disciplined, career driven person and a self-motivated person. These traits are associated with good fortunes, leadership and successes which leads to excellent life prospects.

These people also tend to be great judges of characters and they're able to see through lies and deceit thus they are capable of figuring out when someone is cheating.

Individuals with this letter have also been found to be more compassionate, creative, problem solvers and more ambitious

Check out your palm and see whether you have that lucky sign. You will not be successful if you only sit and wait for better things to come your way. Stand out and work the best you can.