More than 60 gambling machines were on Tuesday set ablaze in Kantafu, Matungulu Sub-County in Machakos. 

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The exercise was done by a team of administrators led by area Deputy County Commissioner Mohamed Abass.

Addressing journalists after the exercise, Matungulu Assistant County Commissioner Gerald Omoke said that they were planning on ensuring that the area has no gambling machine.

He said that the crackdown will continue to rid the area of the addictive game that has taken youths hostage.

"Today we burned 62 Chinese betting machines that were confiscated around the Sub-County after a crackdown conducted last week," said Omoke.

"Those still in the business should know their days are numbered. We will catch up with them and they won't like the outcome," he added.

He urged those in the business to find other legal means of making a living since the betting machines had been banned by the government.

The administrator noted that youths who were idling at such places will have no otherwise but to find jobs.

The crackdown comes just two weeks after over 20 betting machines were set ablaze in Tala area.
