Got that favourite dress or pants whose zipper is nonfunctional? We basically all do, and its a frustration not worth withstanding, while there’s a solution.

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It is even more annoying when you are fully dressed for work, then your zipper just won’t cooperate.

Well, here’s the golden secret. Get a pair of scissors, but while at it, ensure they are not too big depending on the zipper.

Now take the pliers and hold the sides of the zipper each at a time, then press slightly to tighten them.

This should be done with maximum care, to avoid pressing your own body if you carry this out with the garment on.

The press should not be too hard as this could damage the zipper permanently, thus the need for extra caution.

Pull the zipper down to the start and zip up. Yeah, it's as simple as that. That’s how to hack during that zipper situation.

This should always mend it unless your zipper is broken which now necessitates another one.

This applies to all zippers, be it your bag, dress, jeans or jacket zipper.

You no longer have to change your outfit because the zipper failed you. And unlike the wrestling programs, I urge you to try this at home and thank me later.