David Mutiso in an interview with Citizen TV revealed that he is the one who designed the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC).

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However, contradicting information has since emerged on the real designer of the tallest building in Nairobi. 

According to Wikipedia, KICC was designed by Norwegian architect Karl Henrik Nøstvik. More so, in some of the designer drawings that have emerged, the drawings bear the name of the Norway international and not Mutiso. 

It is a requirement that a designer of a certain drawing indicates their name on it, which Karl Henrik Nøstvik did. 

During David Mutiso’s interview on the local TV station, he revealed that it’s the donkey’s penis that inspired him to come up with the shape of KICC. 

This revelation has since sparked mixed reactions among Kenyans. Kenyans on twitter come out in large numbers to give their minds concerning this revelation. 

As expected, they generated funny memes that go hand in hand with Mutiso’s revelation. 

Here are some of their revelation:

“Taking photos at KICC. I confirm this man will never sleep,” said Master Njoroge. 

“This is what inspired the KICC design,” said Jua Cali

“KICC Close enough?” said UNDERRATED NINJA.

“Ezekiel Mutua when he realizes what KICC was modelled after,” said #MUF Cholic.

“I just don’t want to know what inspired this design. I just wanna watch football. KICC is enough for today.” Said Ahmed Mohamed.

“The Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC),” said Martin Tairo.

“China’s KICC with balls,” said DNB DENO.