Everyone wants to be rich. Many people are ready to do everything they can to be wealthy. However, they fail to understand that money is not everything. There are things that matter more than money.
Here are 5 things that are more important than money.
1. Family
Never put money ahead of your family. No amount of money can replace members of your family. You can get money when you lose it but not family.
2. Happiness
Money brings happiness but it is not more important in your life. There are many people with millions but they lack happiness. Fight for happiness, not money.
3. Health
If money was important the rich could live forever. Health is wealth. Those with good health are happier than rich ailing men and women out there.
4. Children
Rich childless couples understand it when you say children are important than money. It feels great to be called a father or mother. Money won’t give you children but children can give you money.
5. Friends
Never take friends for granted. Friends can take you where money can’t. Create friends and do not let money spoil the same. A million friends are worth trillions.