Self-proclaimed Prophet Dr David Owuor is known in Nairobi and across borders.

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The prophet enjoys a massive following and is known for performing miracles and making prophecies some of which have come to pass.

The man of God has never feared attacking politicians and leaders.

Dr Owour has been vocal asking politicians to repent their sins and follow Christ.

In 2008, Owour shocked many when he asked former Prime Minister Raila Odinga to repent his sins and get saved.

Owour said that Raila and other politicians needed repentance and forgiveness after the post-election violence that rocked the county following the disputed 2007 general election.

On May 5, 2009, Raila agreed to be saved and was baptized by the prophet Owuor at the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness church in Nairobi.

Prophet Owour baptized Raila saying that his political doors had been opened.

The baptism was captured and aired on local and international media.

Owour said that Raila’s repentance had opened a new chapter for Kenya.

He in his prophecies had warned that calamities would hit the country if politicians refused to repent.

Dr Owour had predicted about the 2007/2008 post-election violence.
