Since I was born, I hear of anti -Female Genital Mutilation campaigns.
I have always wondered if these crusades have helped I have witnessed circumcised girls and women attending the seminars.
Others circumcise their ladies the very night they leave the battlefields of strictest education on the need to leave the girl child as created I’ll not be a prophet of doom to utter that this situation will never change.
A major reason for the status quo is because these campaigns are a source of revenue for the very anti-FGM activists.
If in one night we landed in a county whose women and girls are left intact, that would mean a loss of employment to some men and women.
Another reason why FGM will ever be with us is lack of an alternative. Female circumcision is deep-rooted in Kisii culture.
If you want to eradicate it, then give us an alternative.
Our neighbours, Rwanda have tried. They have Female Genital Modification (FGM).
Am yet to meet a Rwandese girl to help me decipher what the modification exactly entails.
Otherwise, FGM is here to stay. The old Kisii mamas will still tell you, "otaarogeti tori mokungu” (If you are uncircumcised you are not a woman)