Sports Cabinet Secretary Ambassador Amina Mohammed has rubbished claims the national women netball team is stranded in South Africa.

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Addressing the National Assembly Sports committee, she said the allegations being made on social media are not true.

"A lie makes its way half the world before the truth puts on shoes," she said as quoted by Nation.

Despite rubbishing the claims, the committee did not seem fully convinced, with the chair Victor Munyaka requesting for evidence of government's involvement in teams preparation ahead of the international assignments.

Webuye MP Dan Wanyama, who is also a member of the committee asked the CS to clarify whether the government catered for the team's accommodation, and meals.

"It's one thing to pay for the air ticket but another to take care of the athletes during the tournament. Did the state pay for the players accommodation?" Wanyama posed.

On Wednesday, reports went round social media that the national netball team was stranded in South Africa after being detained at a hotel due to cash shortage.

In an Instagram post, renowned sports journalist Carol Radull claimed the team was stranded and hungry in South Africa.

"The girls went to the tournament venue; showered in a gym and played their first game later that day on empty stomachs. A Kenyan who lives in Cape Town and knew one team member felt sorry for them, bought them bread and milk and took them to a lodge owned by a Cameroonian lady who agreed to house them as "your government settles the bill," she said.